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グルジの軌跡⑥[KPJAYI HPより]

→グルジの軌跡①[ 幼少期 ] [ 一族への継承とその経過 ]


グルジは重い病を患うも、わずかにヨガの指導を行える程度に回復しました。 その後、翌年末までの70年間の絶え間ない指導ののち、 ヨガ研究所を彼の娘であるサラスワティと孫のシャラースの手に託し、グルジは日々のクラスから徐々に引退したのでした。


93歳の時、グルジはマイソールの自宅で亡くなりました。 彼の死、存在の喪失は世界のヨガコミュニティにとって悲痛なものでした。 グルジの生涯は、一貫性と誠実さのもとに生徒達と献身的に関わること、そして生涯において家族を持つヨギとしての行いを実現することへの努力そのものであり、



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画像引用元 / /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ⑥The Passing of the Lineage

In 2007, Guruji became gravely ill, bouncing back just enough to teach a bit more yoga. By the end of the following year, after seven decades of continuous teaching, he had gradually retired from his daily classes, leaving the institute in the capable hands of his daughter Saraswathi and grandson Sharath.

Guruji passed away at home in Mysore on May 18th, 2009 at the age of 93. His death came as a tragic loss to the worldwide yoga community. His entire life was an endeavor to imbue his students with commitment, consistency and integrity – and to actualize in his own life the conduct of a householder yogi. It is by virtue of his undying faith and enthusiasm that the practice that he learned from Krishnamacharya has remained alive. And thus, by his devotion to the daily teaching of yoga, his legendary works will remain alive too.

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